Added: April 29, 2024

Skin allergy: symptoms, causes AND treatment?

Skin allergies, a form of dermatosis, can take many forms, such as pimples, pustules or other skin lesions. Although these symptoms are the most obvious, allergies can also cause other discomforts that affect daily functioning. What are the main symptoms of skin allergies and how should they be dealt with?

What are skin allergies?

Skin allergies are reactions of the body to various factors that manifest themselves as itching, redness, rashes, blisters, dry and flaky skin and even swelling and pain, among other symptoms. These symptoms can make daily life much more difficult and, in particularly troublesome cases, lead to social or psychological problems.

The diagnosis of skin allergies includes a thorough medical history as well as a physical examination and specialised skin tests. Treatment varies, depending on the cause and severity of symptoms, from avoidance of contact with the allergen to the use of topical medication and immunological therapy.

A key element in the fight against skin allergies is proper skin care - moisturising, using gentle cosmetics and detergents and avoiding irritants.

What causes skin allergies?

The triggers of skin allergies can be very varied. Here are some of the most common ones:

  • Food (e.g. dairy products, eggs, cereals)
  • Animal hair
  • Cosmetics (fragrances, dyes)
  • Insect venom
  • Sunshine
  • Metals (Nickel in jewellery)
  • Some plants (e.g. poison ivy)

The most common allergic skin diseases

  1. Atopic dermatitis (AD)
    A chronic disease manifested by dry and itchy skin and eczema. Symptoms can be variable in severity, occurring in periods of exacerbation and remission.
  2. Urticaria
    The sudden appearance of itchy blisters, red patches or swellings, often as a reaction to food allergens, medication or insect bites.
  3. Contact dermatitis
    Reaction to direct contact with an irritant such as cosmetics, latex, metals or chemicals.
  4. Allergic eczema
    An inflammation of the skin caused by contact with allergens that leads to itching, blistering and peeling of the skin.
  5. Allergic conjunctivitis
    It manifests as red, itchy and watery eyes, often associated with inhalant allergens such as pollen or dust.
  6. Allergy to drugs
    Some drugs can cause allergic reactions, leading to hives, swelling or other skin symptoms.

Treatment of skin allergies

Skin allergies require an individual approach to treatment. In addition to avoiding allergens, it is a good idea to consult a dermatologist or allergologist for appropriate medication and care recommendations. Treatment options include:

  • Antihistamines
  • Topical anti-allergic agents (creams, ointments)
  • Phototherapy
  • Immunotherapy (in some cases)

If you notice symptoms of a skin allergy, it is important to see a specialist as soon as possible for diagnosis and appropriate treatment. It is also possible to take advantage of online e-consultation, which speeds up the process of diagnosis and referral for allergy tests.

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