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How does sick leave work? What is good to know about sick leave?

Sick leave, commonly known as L4, is a document that allows an employee to take a break from work due to illness. It is not only an option, but also a right that can be exercised by people with health insurance. Although it most often applies to employees with an employment contract, contract workers can also benefit from L4 under certain conditions. [...]

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Skin allergy: symptoms, causes AND treatment?

Skin allergies, a form of dermatosis, can take many forms, such as pimples, pustules or other skin lesions. Although these symptoms are the most obvious, allergies can also cause other discomforts that affect daily functioning. What are the main symptoms of skin allergies and how should they be dealt with? What are skin allergies? Skin allergies [...]

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What rights does the employee have during e-clearance?

Today's telemedicine capabilities have meant that we can do many things without leaving home - including sick leave. Thanks to e-sick leave, which has been available since December 2018, an employee no longer has to deliver sick leave to their employer in person. The entire process takes place online and the doctor handles the paperwork electronically, issuing an e-ZLA, or electronic sick leave. [...]

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Myths about contraception - what should you know before starting?

Contraception is a subject that is highly controversial and surrounded by numerous myths. In order to better understand its effects and dispel ambiguities, it is worth first looking at what contraception actually is. Its origins date back to the 1960s and it played a key role in the sexual revolution of the 1970s. Modern methods of contraception can be divided into several categories, including hormonal, [...]

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Can I get sick leave for bad mood and fatigue?

In today's busy world, many people struggle with stress, fatigue and bad moods. Daily pressures and numerous challenges can adversely affect physical and mental health. In such situations, the question often arises - can an employee receive L4 due to fatigue or bad mood? In this article we will explain what symptoms [...].

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