Added: April 29, 2024

Can I get sick leave for bad mood and fatigue?

In today's busy world, many people struggle with stress, fatigue and bad moods. Daily pressures and numerous challenges can adversely affect physical and mental health. In such situations, the question often arises - can an employee receive L4 due to fatigue or ill-health?

In this article, we will explain what symptoms may be an indication for sick leave, and how to deal with fatigue and stress.

Can a doctor issue a L4 due to exhaustion?

Yes, it is possible for a GP to issue sick leave for fatigue if he or she considers it justified. Fatigue is a serious condition that can significantly affect your health, reducing your work performance and quality of life. During your visit, your doctor will take a medical history and assess the degree of fatigue to determine whether you require rest and temporary time off work.

Is it possible to receive L4 due to stress?

Yes, an L4 can also be issued in cases of severe stress, which negatively affects health. Chronic stress can lead to serious problems such as heart disease, depression or digestive problems. If stress significantly hinders your work duties, your doctor may decide that you need a recovery break.

Can you get a L4 for malaise?

Feeling unwell due to various ailments, such as infections, colds or allergies, can be grounds for a L4. In cases where ill health prevents daily functioning, a doctor may issue a sick leave, although for minor ailments he or she may only recommend rest and over-the-counter treatment.

Symptoms of body fatigue

Fatigue can manifest itself in many ways, the most common being:

  • Extreme fatigue and lack of energy
  • Concentration and memory problems
  • Sleep disorders (insomnia or excessive sleepiness)
  • Headaches and muscle pains
  • Decrease in efficiency at work
  • Changes in appetite
  • Irritability, anxiety and depression
  • Mood swings

If you are experiencing many of these symptoms and they are affecting your daily life, it is worth seeing your doctor for further diagnosis.

How to deal with fatigue?

In order to deal effectively with fatigue, it is important to introduce healthy habits to help the body recover:

  • Regular sleep: Ensure you get the right amount of sleep each night by going to bed and getting up at regular times.
  • Healthy diet: Ensure a balanced diet, rich in vitamins and minerals, to provide your body with adequate fuel.
  • Physical activity: Regular exercise not only helps to improve physical fitness, but also to combat stress.
  • Rest and relaxation: Find time to relax using techniques such as meditation or yoga.
  • Stress management: Use stress-reduction techniques such as deep breathing and walking outdoors.

How to deal with stress?

Stress management is key to maintaining mental and physical health. Here are some effective methods:

  • Planning and organisation: Organise your responsibilities to minimise the feeling of being overwhelmed.
  • Time for yourself: Find time to relax and do activities you enjoy.
  • Support: Talk to your loved ones and do not hesitate to seek professional help if you feel that stress is overwhelming you.
  • Healthy habits: Take care of your diet, physical activity and sleep to increase your resistance to stress.
  • Relaxation techniques: Meditation, deep breathing and other mindfulness methods can be effective tools in the fight against stress.

Can a doctor issue sick leave for exhaustion or stress?

Yes, your GP can issue a L4 for fatigue, stress or ill-health if your condition makes it difficult for you to function normally. It is important to remember that your mental and physical health are just as important as other aspects of your life, so if you are experiencing health problems, it is worth consulting your doctor and taking the appropriate steps to recover.

More information can be obtained from our doctors by starting a medical e-consultation at any time.

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